How tos and FAQs

Can you guarantee what amount of NGS sequencing data I will get?


It depends on the type and course of order processing.

If you prepare libraries, we do not guarantee the amount of data, even if the library passes our quality control. If we prepare libraries and the prepared libraries pass quality control, then in the case of ShareSeq data packages we guarantee the amount of data and in the case of sequencing on the whole lane we guarantee the minimum specified data amount (see our pricelist - technical specifications). If for some reason the delivered samples and / or the libraries prepared by us do not pass the quality control and the client still gives instructions for sequencing, we do not guarantee the data amount.

Please note that although we always make every effort to achieve the best possible result, we never have all the factors influencing the success or failure of a project under full control (eg quality / purity of samples). In addition, some steps in the basic data analysis (for example, quality trimming) have a significant and unpredictable effect on the amount of data obtained.

On the other hand, based on our experience, we dare to be optimistic and we are proud to supply clients with high amount of high quality data.


Pacific Biosciences

Sequencing on Pacific Biosciences instruments is very sensitive to sample quality and this also determines its success . The amount of data is further affected by the length of the template. This creates a very wide range of possible amounts of data that you can obtain. Probably the best sequencing benchmark for PacBio instruments is the P1 value (Productivity 1), which describes the percentage of wells generating a uniform and thus readable signal. This value should be> 40%. However, if we want something atypical for this technology, such as sequencing short amplicons, then a lower P1 value may be a possible maximum. Therefore, the total data yield cannot be guaranteed.


Oxford Nanopore

Sequencing on Oxford Nanopore flowcells is in terms of yield similar to Pacific Biosciences devices. In addition, however, the capabilities of sequencing chips (number of active pores) vary greatly from batch to batch. Therefore, even in the manufacturer's specifications, the productivity of individual chips is given in a large range (eg 1-2 Gb (Flongle) to 100-300 Gb (Promethion)) and even here it is very difficult to guarantee the yield of data.

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