How tos and FAQs

HairpinSeq – Preparation of samples

Note: Price of the HairpinSeq protocol includes bidirectional sequencing (forward and reverse).

Sample is typically a plasmid with a cloned hairpin or GC-rich stretch in the region of interest or PCR product. You must also supply sequencing primers (forward and reverse) or select some of our universal primers.

Please prepare samples using the StandardSeq protocol with these amendments:

  • We highly recommend you linearize all templates you send i.e. cut your plasmids using a suitable restrictase outside of the region of interest.
  • Price of the HairpinSeq protocol includes bidirectional sequencing (forward and reverse). You must send every template in two tubes either with forward or reverse primer, respectively.
  • When submitting an online order you must first enter your primer details in My primers section, otherwise you will not be able to proceed with HairpinSeq order.

Download sample prep guide in pdf.

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