How tos and FAQs

Guidelines for Ready-to-Run libraries (Illumina only)

When analyzing your samples by Next-Generation sequencing, we prefer you send DNA or RNA. But obviously, another option is you can perform this part of the workflow yourself and you will be sending sequencing libraries to us (Illumina technology only). We call them Ready-to-Run libraries and below are our requirements for this scenario.

  • IN GENERAL: Ready-to-run libraries must meet the conditions set out in our Sample submission guidelines, contain no adapters, primers, primer-dimers.
  • POOLING: Ready-to-run libraries must be provided as a final pool (we do not perform pooling of libraries which we do not prepare).
  • ADAPTERS: Individual libraries (sub-libraries) must bear Standard Illumina Adaptors (see Illumina website)
  • INDEXES: Ready-to-run libraries must be made using dual indexes (ideally unique dual indexes) having 8 bases length max. In case of having single indexes our tech support must always be contacted first. Information about sequence diversity of inserts and indexes must be provided. When selecting indexes always follow Illumina Index Adapters Pooling Guide (see Illumina website).
  • BE AWARE: The information about the indexes used to prepare your libraries must be error-free! If sequencing of other samples (of another client that used the same index) is compromised as a result of providing inaccurate data, we may claim the cost of that compromised sequencing.

All this information must be entered when filling in the online order either directly into the prepared forms or by uploading a file containing these additional data. You will be prompted to upload it when ordering.

When in doubt, please contact us!

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