
10 REASONS to Sequence at SEQme

1. Results:


2. Prepayment of our services – one invoice will do.

You depend on nobody: issue an invoice on line yourself. Anytime! Your account balance is always at hand, as in your bank. And the prepayment can be made by every team member.

3. Lab registration on line – the most transparent system you can think of.

Are you a lab head wishing to know who of your team members sends samples for DNA sequencing and for how much? Just register your lab, invite your colleagues to join you on line and prepay our services for as long as you wish.

4. Flexibility. In every sense.

Optimalization of sequencing protocols. Special protocols for GC-rich templates. Sequencing of hairpins. PCR product cleanup. What else can we do for you?

5. PrimerDepot

Universal primers you can get everywhere. We encourage you to store your specific and frequently used primers with us. Send templates only and park your primers in our Depot.

6. No barcodes.

One can lose them, right? Label your samples as you wish.

7. Technical support

Something failed? We are terribly sorry, we will do our best to solve all issues you may have. Call us or drop an email.

8. Sample pickup anywhere. Even in The Middle of Nowhere.

Our sample collection boxes are not at your hand? We can arrange the pickup directly from your lab. Depending on number of samples this can be free of charge.

9. Safety

Are you worrying about your account safety? The communication with our server is encoded using 256-bit encryption, the identity of the website is verified by certification authority. You don’t understand what this means? Frankly, neither do we smile, we understand sequencing. But it is safe.

10. Did you really read it all?

We highly appreciate this. As a reward you are entitled to receive a discount on your first order. Please contact us to receive your promo code.


Sanger lab,

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