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Who we are

SEQme was established in 2012 to provide full solutions in the field of
DNA sequencing and Real-Time PCR.

We conduct sample analyses, organize courses and workshops
focused on these techniques and provide instrument services.

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Blog SEQme

Quality, speed or price - what do you prefer in Sanger sequencing?

Just as few people go to the theater or a sports match without knowing what is on the program, it is normal for any other service you intend to order to have at least some idea in advance of what you can expect from the service provider, especially in…

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Better-quality sequence data at the beginning of electropherogram - Modified sequencing primers

Routinely obtained sequence electropherograms typically start with unreliable (unreadable) data just at the beginning of a sequence. Although we should theoretically read the first base after the sequencing primer, there are often errors or truncations…

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