How tos and FAQs

What sequencing capacity should I allocate?

This does depend on many factors, namely count of samples you submit, average fragment length, the overall length of your region of interest, requested read depth etc. We cannot give you a general recommendation. If you are not sure, please contact us or visit our Introduction to Next-generation sequencing course.

A lane, flowcell or ShareSeq data package?

The sample processing is identical. Primarily, Share data packages are suitable for small to medium scale projects where a relatively low sequencing capacity per sample is required and it is not worth paying for full-lane sequencing. At the same time, we strongly recommend ShareSeq when you perform large and costly sequencing projects and want to run a low-cost test of, for example, ribo-depletion or other way of target enrichment for a specific genome / transcriptome fraction, reference sequence mapping rate, presence of expected organisms, etc.

For ShareSeq data packages, your samples will be analyzed along with samples from other clients. If you prepare the sequencing libraries yourself, it is absolutely critical that you provide us with accurate information on the preparation process, the indexes used, etc. This information will be requested when placing an order in our system.

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