Go Broad Before You Go Deep - Mastering NGS Technologies | 2-Day Online Course

For most, Next-Generation Sequencing equals to Illumina. This is a mistake!

Staying on top of trends requires far broader view of the sequencing landscape. And this you will get in our course – we will not go deep, we will go broad! In just two days you will get full overview of NGS technologies – and trust us, you would spend ages to do it yourself.

Join our online course from the comfort of your home and go broad with us!

We aim to guide you through the complexity of NGS, covering everything from the inception of individual methods to their practical applications. With a comprehensive exploration of the advantages and disadvantages, details of laboratory sample processing, and in-depth data analysis, you get a view from A to Z.

Day 1 - Short-Read Sequencing Technologies

  • Overview of the technology and applications of short-read sequencing
  • Illumina, MGI, Ion Torrent, Aviti Elements, Onso, and Ultima Genomics technologies
  • Advantages and disadvantages of each short-read technology
  • Practical considerations for choosing the most suitable technology

Day 2 - Long-Read Sequencing Technologies and more

  • Overview of long-read sequencing technologies Oxford Nanopore (ONT) and Pacific Biosciences (PacBio).
  • Standard Applications and Techniques
  • Exploration of standard applications using both short and long-read technologies
  • Experiment Planning Workshop
  • Practical guidance on planning NGS experiments based on participants' research goals


Who Should Attend?

  • Biologists, healthcare professionals and laboratory workers
  • Suitable for those who want to keep up with the latest advances in NGS
  • Relevant for people considering the purchase of NGS equipment
  • Great for beginners

What will you get?

  • Understanding of key considerations when performing NGS experiments
  • Practical insights into laboratory processing of NGS samples
  • Overview of basic data operations and computer infrastructure recommendations


  • This is a theoretical course with presentations and software demonstrations.
  • A necessary prerequisite is basic knowledge of molecular biology (DNA, RNA, gene expression, PCR).


General information

  • Language: English
  • Printed presentations are provided for in-person events, pdfs for online events (will be emailed to you a few days before the online event commences).
  • For in-person events lunches and refreshments are included. 
  • All tools we use during our events are open-source (free). We never use licenced software unless explicitely stated.
  • All participants of our hands-on workshops perform important steps of data analysis themselves, each has their own computer we provide. Using your own computers and / or data files during our data analysis workshops is not possible.
  • Time is always CET.
  • Lodging, travel, and other incidental expenses (if applicable) are the responsibility of attendees.
  • No laboratory experiments are conducted during our events.
  • For all our events you will receive a certificate of completion.

About us

This event is organised by SEQme company. We are an NGS-service provider with laboratories located in the Czech Republic and serving several hundreds of clients every year.

We organize courses and workshops since 2012. Our team of speakers is comprised of our employees, NGS lab specialists, data analysts and bioinformaticians. For selected events from our portfolio we work together also with our external partners and collaborators, usually bioinformaticians with deep knowledge of particular application-specific pipelines.








Head of our Courses & Workshops programme: Stepan Stoces
Please send your inquiries to ngs@seqme.eu 


We can make it a turnkey event for your team only. Do not hesitate to contact us!


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